Ps3 ofw 3.55 downloads
Ps3 ofw 3.55 downloads

ps3 ofw 3.55 downloads

Piracy doesnt affect 360 gamers directly, it affects the company. You used giving to charity as a way to make me think how I care for the protection of a system. I know I surely would be a better person if I was like that.

ps3 ofw 3.55 downloads

You speak as if you spend all your time helping others non stop. At least MS is still improving their OS and still adding new USEFUL GAMING FEATURES. It may be free, but you get what you pay for, in everything. You may pay for Xbox Live, but look at the amount of extra features you get, I was looking at all of the things you can do with Gamer Tag profiles/Parties/look at each others games etc on my m8s 360 and the PSN is not even comparable, really makes the PSN gamer tags/menus/features really antiquated and bare-bones - most of all slow. They have obviously dropped most of their support for the FW updates.

ps3 ofw 3.55 downloads

It is actually making me want to get a 360 because I am sick of them ignoring what people want, I mean, I have not seen 1 SINGLE PERSON ask for a video editor (that is totally useless and doesn't deserve the name btw), people want so many different things improved/added/tweaked but we get NONE of them. Sooo many simple little add-ons that are needed but we aren't getting ANYTHING. Or maybe press ps button to view new message, or maybe have a number next to the message icon to show how many unread messages you have?

Ps3 ofw 3.55 downloads